Upload Instructions

All files should be submitted as PDF type files, and contain single pages in a multiple of 4/8/12/16/20.

Please check that the number of pages you are submitting matches the order you are placing.

To help you generate your PDF please find some useful preparation notes below:

MS Word, Adobe InDesign, CorelDraw

You may find it helpful to download and use one of the templates provided as a starting point for your document. These will help to achieve the correct size, margins and bleed settings for a professionally finished document. MS Word allows you to save your finished document as a PDF, Adobe InDesign offers the ability to export your file to a PDF, and CorelDraw has the option to publish to PDF. Crop marks and bleed should be included (except MS Word which does not have this feature).

Other Packages

Check the package you use can export a PDF when you have finished. Create a document size of 154mm x 216mm with 18mm margins. When we produce the booklet we cut 3mm off all the way round.

Full Bleed Graphics

When placing full bleed graphics (pictures that go right to the edge of the page) make them stretch to the outer most margins (Word: Outside edge of page, Corel/InDesign: the extra margin that sits off the page)

Online Design Studio

If your package is not supported by one of our templates then why not use our online design studio.

In all instances a PDF is the best filetype to send us as this is the most reliable method of retaining fonts, pagination and layout.

Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
Bleed Line
Safe Line

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