Price Calculator (includes VAT)

(Min: 25, Max: 4000)
Total : £ 12.46
Please enter postcode
Total (including delivery) : £ 12.46

The perfect way to promote your business or event.

Whether you want to send by post, hand out on the street, or leave on a shop counter, these are the perfect eye catching items to inspire the interest of passing clientele. Available A4 - A7.

This item is generally zero rated for VAT purposes. However, should you wish to include a form that takes up more than 25% of the total printed area, it will become standard rated. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you are in any doubt. Where VAT becomes due we will bill you separately for the tax element.

Based on the selection of product size and additional option attributes, you can view and download the help template for the product.