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Total : £56.29
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Total (including delivery) : £56.29

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Easy to Transport

We use a grey backed vinyl with anti-curl properties being the perfect choice for roller banners. The surface has an egg shell finish and the grey backing adds light stop properties. The printed vinyl can be supplied in a range of bases dependent on need.

We have a choice of two bases in a variety of widths (all heights are 2000mm):


A market leading unit with a host of features including a reinforced foot attachment, quality 3M adhesive strip for secure graphic attachment, brushed aluminium body, positive pole locator, and powder coated end caps. Each unit comes in a padded bag complete with both self-adhesive strips and heavy gauge top clamping head rail.

Our lightweight roller banner stands are perfect to display graphics on and can turn any display into an impressive promotional exhibit. Whether you need signage for a presentation, in-store offers, or even a tradeshow, our easy to assemble stands can be used for almost any occasion. Supplied in a variety of sizes to meet the needs of your design, you can choose any size from an 800mm base to a 1500mm base.

Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
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